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Government and Industry Links

Here is a list of links to Web sites that you might find useful. Internet addresses are constantly changing, so if you come across a link here that doesn't work, let us know at govaffairs@haaonline.org and we'll update it.

Houston-Galveston Council of Governments - Links to every city in the region

Municipal Code Corporation - Searchable text of city codes nationwide

Links to City and County Websites

Links to County Appraisal District Websites

Links to School District Websites

Find Your Incumbent - Identify your elected officials and districts

Texas Legislature - Search for bills by number, author, subject

DPS Criminal Records search - Statewide criminal conviction info

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act - Clearinghouse of ADA info

Congress.org - Guide to Congress with links and info

Thomas - Legislative Information - Search for bills by number, author, subject

HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development

Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse - A legal education and watchdog group

Texans for Lawsuit Reform - Lawsuit reform organization

ASAE - American Society of Association Executives - Among offerings: "Gateway to Associations" searchable data base of association Web sites

BOMA - Building Owners and Managers Association International

IREM - Institute of Real Estate Management

NAA - National Apartment Association

NAREIT - National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts

NMHC - National Multi Housing Council

TAA - Texas Apartment Association